This is exactly what I am guessing is going on in this particular situation too. Just select the "Make Copy of Active Layer Set" box and specify the name of the new layer set. You can change this any time you send a view to layout on the Send to Layout dialog. Most people felt that this was not the most efficient way to work so we changed the OOB default so as not to make copies of the layer sets. If you make a copy at the time you send, you can then make changes to your original layer set and not affect anything on the layout views.

This is why we used to always make copies of your active layer set when you sent views to a layout. If you make a change to a given layer set (like turning some layers off or on), then all views that are using that layer set will be affected. My best guess is that your different views are using the same layer set. I will keep an eye out for this behavior and let you know. Interesting, I am noticing this behavior too.

Must be user error and I will send the old copy of plan and layout to tech support but would like to know if anyone else has seen this. Why would a roof layout plan affect CAD Details that only had PDF (cad default layer) and notes (text layer) in it? I changed everything to different layers and managed to get a printable plan. If I turn them on in the detail, that also turns them back on in the roof layout! It was an endless loop. I opened that plan view and turned off cad default layer and when I returned to the layout set the cad default items in my separate cad details had also disappeared. My roof layout was showing some CAD default items from the main level (2 story house). I had sent everything to layout, looking the way I want, went to print a check set and found problems. I was having a problem finishing up a layout set yesterday.